backdropsWe stock four standard Step and Repeat Sizes:

  • 5′ wide by 8′ tall
  • 8′ wide by 8′ tall
  • 10′ wide by 8′ tall
  • 12′ wide by 8′ tall

Displays can be used in combination to support single seamless prints at running lengths of 50′ or more with fabric. Because the hardware supports the entire print, the expand step and repeat can support either a fabric or vinyl print. Unlike pole and pocket, pipe and drape or truss systems, the expand frame can support fabric prints in a way which ensures that they are wrinkle free!  The Expand Step & Repeat can either be purchased  outright as a package (frame and print) or the frame can be rented with the print being sold separately.


Mistakes When Buying Step and Repeats

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