KA Media offers both single use solutions and more reliable long term use solutions that either mount onto, wrap or completely cover barricades. Our solutions start from as low as $75 per barricade to brand the barriers holding back your raving crowds at your next red carpet event.

We offer solutions suited for both:

  • flat foot steel barricades
  • bridge foot steel barricades

Your options include:

Rigid Sheets

Typically done on coroplast, we offer everything from banner style strips to full covers to turn your average barricade into a poster board for your brand.


Economical and durable grommeted banners on either one or both sides of barricades are ideal branding solutions.


Covering both sides of your barricade with a seamless wrap across the top covers are a step up in look and feel from standard banners.

Mistakes When Buying Step and Repeats

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