Event marketers use events as their primary means to deliver their message.
Kick Ass Media has been built from the ground up with the challenges faced by event marketers in mind.
Event marketers often throw events that primarily attempt to engage with their brand’s target audience. The challenge with this focus is that it often comes at the cost of event marketers being able to solicit sponsorship and engage their audiences with their event’s message.  Because of this event marketers often struggle to justify the cost of sponsorship and return on investment to their clients.
The solution lies in exposure: the more people exposed to your event’s message & sponsors, the greater it’s reach would be. Your event’s audience wants to share their experience; All you have to do is brand it. 
Kick Ass Media has developed a range of displays and promotional solutions to help you brand your event’s windows, walls, floors and more so you can:
  • engage your audience
  • amplify your event’s message
  • build sponsor trust
  • increase purchase intent
Work with a company that understands that you are more than an event planner – you are an event marketer


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