Supplied by KA MEDIA out of Toronto, Canada

We strive to supply portable, economical and effective trade show display solutions that will stand up to the test of time and bring you back for more. With that in mind, we have weeded out what we consider to be the winners when it comes to portable trade show backdrops and have perfected the design, sales and production process of each one.

flatFlat Expand Trade Show Backdrop

This unit is often referred to as a hop up backdrop or pop up backdrop. While functionally similar to other systems, what separates our units is quality. We have worked with our supplier to ensure both the components and the workmanship reflect a final product that we believe you will be excited about. These units are the most economical and easy to assemble trade show backdrops on the market. They assemble in minutes and showcase the best your brand has to offer. We sell hundreds of these units a year and are confident that our product reflects the effort and attention to detail that we apply to the design and production of each one.

Sizes Available: These units are available in 4 standard sizes which are all 8′ tall by either 5′, 8′, 10′ or 12′ wide. Individual frames can also be combined to create larger widths and custom sizes can be built out at 10′ tall if more height is required.

Materials Available: We currently offer vinyl (done on a latex printer) or tension fabric (done on a dye sublimation printer) prints which can be finished either to cover just the front or both the front and sides of the frame.

curvedbackdropCurved Expand Trade Show Backdrop

These units only differ from the flat expand trade show backdrops in that they are curved. Curved backgrounds are a staple at trade show events and give the appeal of a more intimate environment. They are also excellent for use in corners. We currently only offer these units for use with tension fabric.

Sizes Available: These units are available in 2 standard sizes which are all 8′ tall by either  8′ or 10′ wide.

Materials Available: We currently offer tension fabric (done on a dye sublimation printer) prints which can be finished either to cover just the front or both the front and sides of the frame.

 Give us a call today and find out how we can help you be remembered for the right reasons.

Mistakes When Buying Step and Repeats

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